The Brain: An Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy
The authors of the most cited neuroscience publication, The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, have written this introductory textbook for neuroscience students. The text is clear and concise, and offers an excellent introduction to the essential concepts of neuroscience.
- Based on contemporary neuroscience research rather than old-style medical school neuroanatomy
- Thorough treatment of motor and sensory systems
- A detailed chapter on human cerebral cortex
- The neuroscience of consciousness, memory, emotion, brain injury, and mental illness
- A comprehensive chapter on brain development
- A summary of the techniques of brain research
- A detailed glossary of neuroscience terms
- Illustrated with over 130 color photographs and diagrams
This book will inspire and inform students of neuroscience. It is designed for beginning students in the health sciences, including psychology, nursing, biology, and medicine.
- Clearly and concisely written for easy comprehension by beginning students
- Based on contemporary neuroscience research rather than the concepts of old-style medical school neuroanatomy
- Thorough treatment of motor and sensory systems
- A detailed chapter on human cerebral cortex
- Discussion of the neuroscience of conscience, memory, cognitive function, brain injury, and mental illness
- A comprehensive chapter on brain development
- A summary of the techniques of brain research
- A detailed glossary of neuroscience terms
- Illustrated with over 100 color photographs and diagrams
Nerve cells and synapses
2 |
Central nervous system basicsthe brain and spinal cord
12 |
A map of the brain
26 |
Peripheral nerves
44 |
Command and controlthe motor systems
56 |
Gathering informationthe sensory systems
76 |
The human cerebral cortex
98 |
Higher level functionsconsciousness learning memory and emotions
110 |
Techniques for studying the brain
154 |
Voltages potentials and cell membranes
166 |
Appendix B
169 |
Appendix C
172 |
Supplementary reading
174 |
180 |
190 |
194 |
When things go wrongbrain disease and injury
126 |
The development of the brain and spinal cord
142 |
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